PhD for the Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, and four years as post-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Communication Research at the University of Vienna (IPKW). Senior Lecturer and course leader for the MA. Global Communication & Media at Sheffield Hallam University. I arrived at Sheffield in 2015. I have been invited and participated in teaching and research exchanges in more than ten different universities around Europe including Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Catalunya, and of course, the United Kingdom; and I have presented more than 50 research papers in International Conferences.


My research focuses on the factors that shape the communicative spaces: this is, the integration of social interactions with mobile and digital social platforms, with the physical-geographic space. 

I use digital methods and qualitative and quantitative analysis of the communicative activity around social events/moments.

As a social scientist, I fight monsters of social injustice, social discrimination, and social inequalities reproduced by technologies and by wrong decisions; and as a teacher I find personal pleasure in learning, that is for me a form of changing the ways of thinking.

Perhaps this explains why I study technology, and why science is for me also a way of creativity more than a Techne, or why I am so terribly scared of monkeys with weapons.